Saturday, July 30, 2011


i miss my grandmother, a lot
my grief comes in waves,
one just hit me.
i was bawling for a good 20 minutes because i found some of her old clothes i'm going to alter.
i cried because of clothes.
this is ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. It's not ridiculous. It's normal. TOTALLY normal. I still cry every time I hear "Families Can Be Together Forever", the Christmas Carol "Still, Still, Still", or a really great choir perform. I cry when I walk into the room that used to be my Grandpa's old office (which is now a kids room). I pretty much started sobbing when I found out the orange and pine trees in the back of his house had died. I get teary eyed when I smell any Clinique skin products because it reminds me of Grandma Thompson.

    When you're close to someone, the grief doesn't just one day disappear. A little bit of it will still linger even when you're a grandmother. The wonderful part of the gospel is knowing that they're not completely gone. Patriarch Houghton and Tutu told me they could feel the spirit of my Grandpa Sonny during my Patriarchal Blessing. And I definitely know all of my grandparents were present at my sealing, which was so wonderful because Sini will only have the privilege of knowing Tutu in this life.

    Mama is still near you, which is probably why you cry so much. She's always going to look after her beloved grandchildren, especially her namesake! That's what good grandparents do.

    You're not ridiculous. You're human. :)
