Saturday, July 30, 2011


i miss my grandmother, a lot
my grief comes in waves,
one just hit me.
i was bawling for a good 20 minutes because i found some of her old clothes i'm going to alter.
i cried because of clothes.
this is ridiculous.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

my two cents

i have had one of the worst weeks. i'm angry, so everything is going to have a negative spin on it.

with that out of the way, let us begin.

1) i hate needy friends. if the only reason you talk to me is to bitch about your life or you being single or you not liking our mutual friends, we don't need to talk. i have enough friends that i will not miss you. be happy. shut up about yourself and try listening for a change.

2) i'm sick of being judged, well sick of being judged by people without the proper credentials.

3) i'm sick of seeing Mormon girls shoulders! its annoying that most girls don't care about modesty. it pisses me off! i know its a 'stupid rule' but it keeps you from lookin' a hoe. so cut it out, put on clothes and shut up.

4)i'm sick of being more mature than 85% of the people i know. its really annoying.

5) i'm too good for the general public and i'm too 'bad' for the mormons. so im stuck in a horrible lala land. im in middle ground, unfortunately i'm all alone.

6) i'm sick of man whore's.

7) single life is KILLING ME, slowly. and its a lonely death.

8) i want to move out!!!

i don't hate my life, i'm not depressed. everything is just piling up.

i'm a seventeen year old with the responsibility of a grown up. sometimes i forgot that i signed up for this.